Beginning Floor Installation
We've been waiting on the flooring project until we got the radiators in. Y'all know about that hassle, so I won't even go into it. In short: radiators in, no leaks, all connections sealed tight. Ready to go with the flooring.
After my bro and I tested our skills with a rented manual stapler on a small flooring project in the living room, everyone involved agreed that it was time to pull out the big guns by hooking it up to an air compressor that we borrowed from C's dad. From then on, things went oh so smoothly. With Scooter's help, it took him and C one Saturday afternoon (including the mandatory hour and a half lunch break) to install the flooring in this entire bedroom, compared to the entire afternoon it took me and my bro to install a 5x6 area...and he's a strong dude!
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