The Home Stretch!
We're signing the papers with a realtor tomorrow. We thought about trying to sell it ourselves, since we've done all the rest of the work ourselves- we're STILL considering selling it ourselves. Hard to part with a chunk of the profit when, at the moment, the largest dollar amount we've parted with was $3,000 for the stairs...Realtor's commission will be more than that. Where's the sweat equity in picking up a pen and signing a contract?
But, we're ready to be done: To move on with our lives. To get a decent neighbor. To pay attention to our own home (yes, still in shambles). To have a Friday night date in a bar with friends on a rather than a date with a laundry list and a shopping cart at Home Despot. To get our garden growing. To have something else to talk about with y'all.
We threw the house a party a few weekends back, and we continue to entertain in the house. Underneath the decades of neglect and after the decades of neglect, we thought it most appropriate to let the old gal step out in style- if only for this brief year, she knows that someone cared.
I'm getting to attached. Letting go is going to be hard.
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