Thursday, September 15, 2005

Mud Room
Sure looks a lot different from when we first started working on it. To the right (where I've piled a bunch of tools) is a nifty frame that C built to house the wall mounted convection oven, another swell craigslist find.

Dining Room Paint (in progress)
This is a paint job in progress, not because it involves a lot of detail work but because EVERY DANG TOOL is in this room for some reason. It's the center of the house, conveniently located near the front door and stairway to the upper floor, so perhaps this is why...but I really dislike the prep work that goes along with painting. I have become quite good at 'cutting in' simply because I am too lazy to put masking tape up everywhere (which never really works all that great anyway). Consequently, I am also too lazy to move some tools not currently in use to another part of the house. So, I paint until I can't get around something and then call it a day.
Hey, at least I can admit that I have some flaws.

Dentil Molding
I need to get a smaller paint brush for this detail work. Click here for more info on dentil molding.

Front Entrance
While C worked on priming the body of the house (on a ladder, with a few gallons of paint on his back in the power sprayer), I labored on the ground level taking care of trim and other details. With the priming FINALLY completed- which this photo clearly doesn't illustrate- we're hoping to get the whole sucker painted it's chosen colors this weekend. Lofty goal indeed. We like to aim high.
Monday, September 05, 2005

Thanks, craigslist!
The wrap-around front porch has been begging for a porch swing. I have been stalking craigslist all summer for a swing, so it was destiny that brought everyone together. Got this baby for $40 bucks.

Bye Bye Nasty Siding!
Since rain has thwarted our plans to paint, we got C's dad and bro to tear off all of the aluminum siding under the porch. Since we closed off the duplex's second entry- replaced with round window- we've had a gaping hole in the siding. After considering how we would eventually cover up this hole, we decided to sheath the entire porch underside with cedar shakes rather than try to match the aluminum siding.
It was quite a discovery under that aluminum siding. The original clapboard siding had only one layer of paint- original, 125 years old. Pretty cool.

Laboring on Labor Day Weekend
Photo shot at 11:30am, Saturday 9/2...
Today is our 4 year wedding anniversary. We should be on our annual canoe trip. We cancelled our trip because we KNEW that there was no way we'd be able to relax in the middle of nowhere knowing that this project would still be waiting for us when we returned to civilization. And now we are are shaking our fists at the sky, asking "Why must you conspire against us, Mother Nature?!" The plan was to prime the house for painting. We even had several extra pairs of hands ready for work and generously donated by our families and friends. No dice. Rain poured steadily from the sky beginning at noon, lasting well into the evening.