Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Closing Day!!!
Ending as we began, with way too many people crammed into a tiny office, signing reams of paper. A year and two months from start to finish. But it's not really over. Although it's the end of our involvement with hammers, saws, and long laborious weekends (at least for the moment), all of the paper signing is really more about beginnings: new neighbors getting to know each other, a new owner for the house we've loved so much over the past year and three months, new adventures for me and my man.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Obviously we're pretty excited to get a new neighbor, thrilled to have our lives back- though a bit sad and wondering "What next?" and spending the last two Saturdays aimlessly wandering around our own house without focus. But honestly...we're waiting for the other shoe to drop. This marketing and selling process went wayyyy too smoothly, and if we've learned anything on this project we've learned that when things go too smoothly WATCH OUT! Something's gonna topple, or burst, or leak, or crumble, or snap, or trip the circut breaker, or poke you in the eye.
Tentative closing date is for the end of May, so we have a few more weeks of walking around with knots in our stomachs, wringing our hands, beyond belief.

Ultimately I decided that what came with the house stays with the house. That's that. My personal house philosophy, especially with old homes, is that the one never really 'owns' the house...one merely guides it into it's next life. It's next life should include the few ornaments that haven't been stolen over the years.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Cooking in the Kitchen!
I wasn't kidding when I implied that we're taking full advantage of the fabulous new appliances, and the immaculately clean, large kitchen! Just yesterday C used the upper oven to braise a beef roast in red wine and herbs, while I used the lower oven to make lemon souffles. We're getting spoiled!

The Home Stretch!
We're signing the papers with a realtor tomorrow. We thought about trying to sell it ourselves, since we've done all the rest of the work ourselves- we're STILL considering selling it ourselves. Hard to part with a chunk of the profit when, at the moment, the largest dollar amount we've parted with was $3,000 for the stairs...Realtor's commission will be more than that. Where's the sweat equity in picking up a pen and signing a contract?
But, we're ready to be done: To move on with our lives. To get a decent neighbor. To pay attention to our own home (yes, still in shambles). To have a Friday night date in a bar with friends on a rather than a date with a laundry list and a shopping cart at Home Despot. To get our garden growing. To have something else to talk about with y'all.
We threw the house a party a few weekends back, and we continue to entertain in the house. Underneath the decades of neglect and after the decades of neglect, we thought it most appropriate to let the old gal step out in style- if only for this brief year, she knows that someone cared.
I'm getting to attached. Letting go is going to be hard.