Ripping up More Bad Flooring
This is in the area of the living room that had burn marks in the flooring from a fire in the house's past. We can't afford to replace all of the wood with new, and we're not installing carpet. We're saving the floor. I think we've been working on this for two weeks now???? Extremely time consuming, but we're looking forward to how purty it'll look!
C and I discovered that more tools were necessary to be efficient at ripping out the old boards to finger in the new ones. I'm going to have to write the people at This Old House, because this new method works pretty dang slick!
Using the carpenter's square, draw lines at various point across the old floor to be cut out. Then, using a flat wood bit, drill a hole just next to each of the lines (on the side of the wood that you'll be ripping out, of course). The point of this is to weaken the area you'll be chiseling. Then use a jigsaw to cut across each line. TOH recommends running a few cuts up the length of each board with a circular saw, and this is highly recommended.